Meet our current 2022 - 2023 Portland State University students working as graduate assistants for TREC staff and researchers. Meet past GRAs here, as well as our PSU transportation scholars and fellows.
Cameron Bennett
Advisor: John MacArthur

Cameron Bennett is a second-year masters student in transportation engineering. He was the recipient of a Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship presented by the U.S. Department of Transportation at the 2022 annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Cameron currently serves as president of the PSU student group ITE-STEP (Students in Transportation Engineering and Planning). His work as a graduate research assistant focuses on promoting and facilitating the use of active transportation as a tool for equity, livability, and economic development. He's working with John MacArthur on How Can E-bike Purchase Incentives Grow the E-bike Market?. Cameron is passionate about bicycle and pedestrian design, planning, and policy in urban environments.

Kyuri Kim
Advisor: Jennifer Dill and Nathan McNeil

Kyuri is a fifth-year Ph.D. student in urban planning at the Nohad A. Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning. She is currently supporting Jennifer Dill and Nathan McNeil on two projects; one is the Division Transit Project, and the other is about Evaluation of Curb Extension Treatments for Pedestrian Comfort and Safety at Intersections. In the recent past, she supported Dr. Dill and Hau Hagedorn in transportation data analysis and visualization (including BikePed Portal and OHSU Census data), Dr. Dill and Nathan McNeil on the Research Roadmap for the AASHTO Council on Active Transportation, and other transportation research.

Jacqueline Krantz
Advisor: Lacey Friedly
Jackie is a second-year masters student in the Book Publishing program, and a project manager at PSU's Ooligan Press. She is supporting TREC communications including social media, graphic design, and copywriting, as well as disseminating results of research published by the National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC), a program of TREC.

 Jiahui Ma
Advisors: Jennifer Dill and Nathan McNeil
Jiahui is a third-year Ph.D. student in urban planning at the Nohad A. Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning. She is currently supporting Jennifer Dill and Nathan McNeil on the Evaluation of Road User Comprehension and Compliance with Red Colored Transit Priority Lanes as well as analyzing data from the Breaking Barriers to Bike Share project

Prabhu Marappan
Advisors: Tammy Lee and Basem Elazzabi
Prabhu is currently pursuing his Master of Science in Computer Science from PSU. Before this he worked as a Software Engineer for 5 years in Backend Development, Infrastructure, System Design and Architecture for distributed web applications. He's an engineer looking to solve interesting engineering and data problems, and is currently supporting TREC's transportation data programs: PORTAL and BikePed Portal.

Gabriel QuiΓ±ones-Zambrana
Advisor: Hau Hagedorn
Gabriel is a first-year Ph.D. student in urban studies at the Nohad A. Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning. Before this he worked in the private sector as a Transit and Transportation Planner, and in the public sector as the Director of a Planning Department in a municipality, for more than 8 years combined. Currently, he is supporting Hau Hagedorn with the Better Block PSU Program and a variety of other projects.