This report reviews an Oregon research effort to develop an Oregon Access Management Best Practices Manual. In particular, this research effort develops a resource to help transportation professionals quantify safety and operational effects of various access management strategies, provide measurable criteria to evaluate these access management techniques, and identify data collection practices nec...This report reviews an Oregon research effort to develop an Oregon Access Management Best Practices Manual. In particular, this research effort develops a resource to help transportation professionals quantify safety and operational effects of various access management strategies, provide measurable criteria to evaluate these access management techniques, and identify data collection practices necessary to successfully perform these assessments. It is the expectation that this manual can be used by engineers, decision makers, and educators to help the transportation community better understand the appropriate application of access management strategies and how to quantify benefits of the various access management options. This report includes a literature review of safety and operational benefits for a variety of access management configurations. Included in this benefits summary is information about perceived and measured economic impacts of access management even though they are not explicitly included in the companion manual. In addition, this report summarizes example data for access management through the use of case studies, and includes (in the appendix) a standalone proposed access management best practices manual. The case studies were used to test practicality of acquiring various data elements and are not directly reflected in the manual.See More