Multimodal Transportation Planning Curriculum for Urban Planning Programs
Principal Investigator:
Kristine Williams, University of South Florida Center for Urban Transportation Research
Integrated multimodal transportation and land use planning is critical to advancing mode choice, public health and safety, and livability objectives. Communities across the U.S. are seeking to redefine their planning process accordingly. In response, university graduate urban planning and engineering programs are beginning to address multimodal planning and sustainable transportation, but most do ...Integrated multimodal transportation and land use planning is critical to advancing mode choice, public health and safety, and livability objectives. Communities across the U.S. are seeking to redefine their planning process accordingly. In response, university graduate urban planning and engineering programs are beginning to address multimodal planning and sustainable transportation, but most do not yet offer a robust curriculum on these topics. To help address this need, the University of South Florida (USF), Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) developed a curriculum for a course on multimodal transportation planning and its role in advancing livability and related objectives. The course curriculum developed under this project was designed for integration into university urban planning programs, but is also relevant to graduate-level engineering and architecture/community design programs. The project is conceived in two phases, with phase one involving curriculum development for the introductory course and phase two aimed at developing a course that provides specific applications in multimodal planning that are reinforced through applied learning activities. This report contains the phase one curriculum for the introductory course.See More