Nicole Iroz-Elardo
Assistant Research Professor of Planning
College of Architecture & Planning
University of Arizona
Nicole Iroz-Elardo is an Assistant Research Professor in the School of Landscape Architecture and Planning. Cross-trained in planning and public health, her research focuses on how to plan healthier and more equitable communities. Dr. Iroz-Elardo has a PhD in Urban Studies from Portland State University. Her doctoral research investigated the extent to which Health Impact Assessment provided an additional participation avenue for vulnerable communities in transportation planning processes. She has previously worked for Urban Design 4 Health, Inc., Oregon Health Authority, and Battelle Memorial Institute. At each, she specialized in translating cutting-edge research into practitioner tools to increase the suite of information upon which decisions - public and private - are made. Current research interests include: understanding the trade-offs between dense environments, physical activity, environmental exposures, and affordable housing; monetizing the health impacts of transportation and land use decisions; re-conceptualizing walkability to incorporate social and cultural norms; managing parking to not over-incentivize vehicular travel; investigating the implications of thermal comfort on public physical activity spaces; and introducing e-scooters safely into the urban landscape.
Downloadable Products
- Refugee Mobility and Wellbeing ( PRESENTATION )
- Making a Home: Transportation Mobility and Well-Being Among Tucson Refugees ( PRESENTATION )
- Smith, Chandler, et al. "Making of home: Transportation mobility and well-being among Tucson refugees ( PUBLICATION )
- Belong: Geographies of Displacement, Refuge and Longing ( PRESENTATION )
- To Support Refugee-Status Individuals and Families, Support the Formation of Strong Social Bonds: Policy Lessons for Refugee Resettlement Programs ( PRESENTATION )
- Understanding Connections Between Mobility, Transportation, And Quality Of Life In Refugee Communities In Tucson, Arizona ( FINAL_REPORT )
- App-based Data Collection to Characterize Latent Transportation Demand within Marginalized and Underserved Populations ( FINAL_REPORT )
- Urban Heat Island Workshop - Assessing Cool Corridor Heat Resilience Strategies for Human-Scale Transportation ( PRESENTATION )
- Assessing Cool Corridor Heat Resilience Strategies for Human-Scale Transportation ( FINAL_REPORT )
- Appendix A - Literature Review ( FINAL_REPORT )
- Appendix B Kestrel Summary Statistics ( FINAL_REPORT )
- Appendix C Scripts to Process and Summarize Kestrel Data ( FINAL_REPORT )
- Appendix C Scripts to Process and Summarize Kestrel Data_Cleaned_File ( FINAL_REPORT )
- TRB 2020 - UU 1328 - Impact of Transit on Multifamily Property Values - A Meta-Analysis ( PRESENTATION )
- Is Transit-Oriented Development Affordable for Low and Moderate Income Households? ( FINAL_REPORT )
- How Affordable is Housing in Transit-Oriented Developments? ( PROJECT_BRIEF )
- Scooting to a New Era in Active Transportation: Examining the Use and Safety of E-Scooters ( FINAL_REPORT )
- Scooting to a New Era in Active Transportation: Examining the Use and Safety of E-Scooters ( PROJECT_BRIEF )
- TRB 2020 - UU UA 1253 - The Impacts of Light Rail Transit on Labor Participation and Housing Affordability in the US - A Longitudinal Analysis ( PRESENTATION )
- Transit Impacts on Jobs, People and Real Estate: Volume 2 - Job Location ( PROJECT_BRIEF )
- Transit Impacts on Jobs, People and Real Estate: Volume 1 ( FINAL_REPORT )
- Transit Impacts on Jobs, People and Real Estate: Volume 2 ( FINAL_REPORT )
- Transit Impacts on Jobs, People and Real Estate: Volume 3 ( FINAL_REPORT )
- Transit Impacts on Jobs, People and Real Estate: Volume 4 ( FINAL_REPORT )
- Transit Impacts on Jobs, People and Real Estate: Volume 5 ( FINAL_REPORT )
- Transit Impacts on Jobs, People and Real Estate: Full Final Report (all five volumes) ( FINAL_REPORT )
- (Overlooked) Association between Express Bus Station/Stop Proximity and Multifamily Rents with a Surprise about Transit Mode Synergism and Implications for Transit and Land Use Planning ( PUBLICATION )
- Transit Impacts on Jobs, People and Real Estate: Volume 3 - Where People Live ( PROJECT_BRIEF )
- Transit Impacts on Jobs, People and Real Estate: Volume 4 - Real Estate Rents ( PROJECT_BRIEF )
- Transit Impacts on Jobs, People and Real Estate: Volume 5 - Improving Transit Impacts Through Design and Investment ( PROJECT_BRIEF )
- Influence of Transit Station Proximity on Demographic Change ( POSTER )
- Do Complete Streets Make a Difference? ( REPORT )
- 2024 Update: Transit Station Area Development and Demographic Outcomes ( REPORT )
- Bus Rapid Transit Outcomes with Post-Pandemic Implications ( REPORT )
- Transit Value-Added Monitoring System: Estimating Value-Added Outcomes Of Tucson’s Streetcar ( REPORT )
- Participation, Information, Values, and Community Interests Within Health Impact Assessments ( FINAL_REPORT )