Xianfeng (Terry) Yang
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Utah
Dr. Yang is an Assistant Professor (Transportation Engineering) in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of Utah. Dr. Yang received his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park, and his B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from Tsinghua University. Dr. Yang's current research areas include machine learning for transportation modeling, traffic operations with connected automated vehicles, traffic safety, transportation equity, transportation planning, etc. He is the recipient of the prestigious NSF CAREER award in 2021. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed research articles in journals and conferences. He is currently the editorial board member of Transportation Research, Part C, the Associate Editor of ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development and IEEE OJ- Intelligent Transportation Systems, and the Handling Editor of TRB Transportation Research Record. He is also the Vice-Chair of INFORMS JST ITS committee and the Secretary of the ASCE Artificial Intelligence committee. He is the appointed member of two TRB standing committees (ACP25-Traffic Signal Systems and AMR20-Disaster Response, Emergency Evacuations, and Business Continuity). He serves as the panelist of NSF, NCHRP, and multiple USDOT University Transportation Centers.
Email: x.yang@utah.edu
Downloadable Products
- Pedestrian Behavior Study to Advance Pedestrian Safety in Smart Transportation Systems Using Innovative LIDAR Sensors ( FINAL_REPORT )
- New LiDAR System Pinpoints Pedestrian Behavior to Improve Efficiency and Safety at Intersections ( PROJECT_BRIEF )
- Developing a Tracking-Based Dynamic Flash Yellow Arrow Strategy for Permissive Left-Turn Vehicles to Improve Pedestrian Safety at Intersections ( PUBLICATION )
- Data-Driven Mobility Strategies for Multimodal Transportation ( FINAL_REPORT )
- Applying Data-Driven Multimodal Speed Management Strategies for Safe, Efficient Transportation ( PROJECT_BRIEF )
- Smart Signal Control System for Accident Prevention and Arterial Speed Harmonization under Connected Vehicle Environment ( PUBLICATION )
- TRB 2020 - UU 1235 - A Model-based Deep Q-Learning Algorithm for Traffic Signal Timing Control at Isolated Intersections ( PRESENTATION )
- TRB 2020 - UU 1235 - Dynamic Multi-path Signal Progression Control based on Connected Vehicle Technology ( PRESENTATION )
- TRB 2020 - UU 1235 - Field Evaluation of Connected Vehicle-based Transit Signal Priority System Under Two Different Signal Base Plans ( PRESENTATION )
- TRB 2020 - UU 1235 - Multi-vehicle Trajectory Optimization for Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) Platoon Formation ( PRESENTATION )
- Connected Vehicle System Design for Signalized Arterials ( FINAL_REPORT )
- Shortening the Age of Information: Connecting Vehicles to Infrastructure in Real Time ( PROJECT_BRIEF )
- Human and Robot Drivers: Modeling Mixed Freeway Traffic ( PROJECT_BRIEF )
- Vehicle Sensor Data (VSD) Based Traffic Control in Connected Automated Vehicle (CAV) Environment ( FINAL_REPORT )
- TRB 2020 - UU 1175 - Freeway Traffic State Estimation with Mixed Connected Automated Vehicles and Human-driven Vehicles ( PRESENTATION )