The Better Block PSU program at Portland State University (PSU) has opened the annual call for community organizations to reimagine their streets and underused public spaces in a way to bring people together and reclaim it for their community’s future.

Download the 2024 Better Block Request For Proposals (RFP)

Fill out the "Better Block PSU Project Inquiry Form" to submit your project idea by March 11, 2024. Here are some of the questions included:

  1. What is the location of your proposed Better Block project?
  2. What is this place like currently?
  3. What steps (if any) have you already taken around this project?
  4. What ideas do you have for re-imagining this space?
  5. Do you know of any existing partnerships or events that could help leverage this project?
  6. Who are the local leaders and champions for this idea?

Learn more about "pop-up projects": Better Block PDX created a handy visual guide to pop-up projects which you can download here.

Want to be updated about Better Block project news? Join the Better Block PSU email notification list.