Principal Investigator Project Title Download End Date
Report Brief
Ken Kato Development of Mobile Mapping Technology to Facilitate Dialogue between Transportation Agencies and the Public 2011-12-31
Kelly Clifton Contextual Influences on Trip Generation 2011-09-30
Miguel Andres Figliozzi A Study of Headway Maintenance for Bus Routes: Causes and Effects of "Bus Bunching" in Extensive and Congested Service Areas 2011-09-30
B. Starr McMullen The Relationship Between VMT and Economic Activity 2011-09-30
Michael Olsen Real-time change and damage detection of landslides and other earth movements threatening public infrastructure 2011-09-30
Lynn Weigand Evaluation of Safe Routes to School Programs: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Parental Decision-Making 2011-09-30
Daniel Cox Hurricane Wave Forces on Highway Bridge Superstructure: Psuedo-dynamic Testing for Bridge Subassembly 2011-06-30
Peter Dusicka Seismic Hazard Assessment of Oregon Highways 2011-06-30
Miguel Andres Figliozzi Value of Travel Time Reliability: Commuters' Route Choice Behavior and Study of Tradeoffs - Phase 2 2011-06-30
Miguel Andres Figliozzi Value of Reliability 2011-06-30
Miguel Andres Figliozzi Value of Travel Time Reliability: Commuters' Route Choice Behavior and Study of Tradeoffs - Phase 2 2011-06-30
Ashley Haire Development, Deployment, and Assessment of a New Educational Paradigm for Transportation Professionals and University Students 2011-06-30
Ashley Haire Bicycle and Pedestrian Engineering Design Curriculum Expansion 2011-06-30
John MacArthur Climate Change Impact Assessment for Surface Transportation in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska 2011-06-30
Christopher Monsere Exploratory Methods for Truck Re-identification in a Statewide Network Based on Axle Weight and Axle Spacing Data to Enhance Freight Metrics: Phase 2 2011-05-31
Christopher Higgins Tools for Gusset Plate Evaluation 2011-04-30
Richard Margerum Regional transportation and land use decision making: a multistate analysis 2011-04-30
Kate Hunter-Zaworski Impacts of Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEVs) on transportation infrastructure safety and regulation 2011-03-31
Robert Parker Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Community Needs Assessment 2011-03-31
Miguel Andres Figliozzi Analysis of Travel Time Reliability for Freight Corridors Connecting the Pacific Northwest 2011-03-30
Miguel Andres Figliozzi Analyzing and Quantifying the Impact of Congestion on LTL Industry Costs and Performance in the Portland Metropolitan Region 2011-03-30
Miguel Andres Figliozzi Analysis of Travel Time Reliability for Freight Corridors Connecting the Pacific Northwest 2011-03-30
Marc Schlossberg Transportation Planning Through Mobile Mapping Technology 2011-01-31
James Strathman Extraboard Management 2011-01-31
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