Principal Investigator Project Title Download End Date
Report Brief
Linda George Development of a Model to Predict and Mitigate Environmental and Public Health Impacts of Traffic Flows and Traffic Management Policies in Urban Transportation Microenvironments 2010-12-31
Jason Ideker Durability Assessment of Recycled Concrete Aggregates for use in New Concrete 2010-12-31
David Jay Maintaining Safe, Efficient and Sustainable Intermodal Transport through the Port of Portland 2010-12-31
David Kim Green and Economic Fleet Replacement Modeling 2010-12-31
David Porter Wireless Data Collection System for Real-Time Arterial Travel Time Estimation 2010-12-31
Heejun Chang Future Flooding Impacts on Transportation Infrastructure and Traffic Patterns Resulting from Climate Change 2010-06-30
Karen Dixon Advisory Speed Safety Study 2010-06-30
Karen Dixon Calibrating the HSM Predictive Methods for Oregon Highways 2010-06-30
Nico Larco designBridge: Integrating Transportation into Service Learning Design/Build Projects 2010-03-31
B. Starr McMullen Freight Performance Measures: Approach Analysis 2010-03-31
Jennifer Dill Long term evaluation of individualized marketing programs for travel demand management 2010-02-28
Jennifer Dill Evaluation of Bike Boxes at Signalized Intersections 2010-01-31
Karen Dixon Access Management Best Practices Manual 2010-01-31
Michael Scott Combined Seismic plus Live Load Analysis of Highway Bridges 2010-01-31
James Strathman Financing Mechanisms for Capacity Improvements at Interchanges 2010-01-31
James Strathman Operational Analysis of Transit Bus Collisions 2010-01-31
Jessica Greene Healthy Communities and Urban Design: A Multi-Disciplinary National Analysis of Travel Behavior, Residential Preference, and Urban Design 2009-12-31
Nico Larco designBridge: Integrating Transportation into Service Learning Design/Build Projects 2009-12-31
Nico Larco Overlooked Density: Re-Thinking Transportation Options in Suburbia, Phase 2 2009-12-31
Catherine Rivera The Effectiveness of Vertebrate Passage and Prevention Structures: a Study of Boeckman Road in Wilsonville 2009-12-31
Lynn Weigand Trail Planning & Community Service Curriculum 2009-12-31
Carl Abbott Oregon Transportation Planning Experience 2009-09-30
Christopher Monsere Expanding Development of the Oregon Traffic Safety Data Archive, Phase 2 2009-09-30
Robert Parker Expanding Service Learning Models in Transportation 2009-09-30
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