Marc Schlossberg |
Transferring GIS / Community-Based Transportation Assessment Tools Nationwide
2009-09-30 |
John Schnabel |
A Novel Design Strategy for Integrating Freight Rail Into Urban Settings: A Capping Study
2009-09-30 |
Lynn Weigand |
Bicycle and Pedestrian Design Curriculum Expansion
2009-09-30 |
Miguel Andres Figliozzi |
Oregon Freight Data Mart
2009-08-31 |
Miguel Andres Figliozzi |
Practical Approximations to Quantify the Impact of Time Windows and Delivery Sizes on Freight VMT in Urban Areas
2009-08-31 |
Miguel Andres Figliozzi |
Freight Distribution Problems in Congested Urban Areas: Fast and effective solution procedures to time-dependent vehicle routing problems
2009-08-31 |
Christopher Monsere |
Empirical Observation of the Impact of Traffic Oscillations on Freeway Safety
2009-07-31 |
Christopher Monsere |
Using Existing ITS Commercial Vehicle Operation (ITS/CVO) Data to Develop Statewide (and Bi-state) Truck Travel Time Estimates and Other Freight Measures
2009-07-31 |
Karen Dixon |
Identify and Address Institutional Barriers Delaying Incident Clearance
2009-06-30 |
Miguel Andres Figliozzi |
Distribution Logistics Course
2009-04-30 |
Robert Bertini |
Using Archived ITS Data to Measure the Operational Benefits of a System-wide Adaptive Ramp Metering System
2009-03-31 |
Robert Bertini |
Characteristics of Transitions in Freeway Traffic
2009-03-31 |
Madeleine Pullman |
Food Delivery Footprint: Addressing Transportation, Packaging, and Waste in the Food Supply Chain
2009-03-19 |
Peter Dusicka |
Seismic Damage State Models for Oregon Bridges
2009-02-28 |
Christopher Monsere |
Exploratory Methods for Truck Re-identification in a Statewide Network Based on Axle Weight and Axle Spacing Data to Enhance Freight Metrics
2009-01-31 |
Christopher Higgins |
Influence of Environmental Effects on Durability of CFRP for Shear Strengthening of RC Girders Year 2
2009-01-30 |
Yizhao Yang |
Understanding School Travel: How Residential Location Choice and the Built Environment Affect Trips to School
2009-01-29 |
Mark Gillem |
From Arterial to Asset: Examining the Role of the Multi-Way Boulevard in Coordinated Transportation and Land Use Planning
2008-12-31 |
Mark Gillem |
City Design Lecture Series: Linking Transportation and Land Use Planning
2008-12-31 |
Nico Larco |
Overlooked Density: Re-Thinking Transportation Options in Suburbia
2008-12-31 |
Todd Scholz |
Instrumentation for Mechanistic Design Implementation
2008-12-31 |
Michael Scott |
Development of an Open Source Bridge Management System
2008-12-31 |
Megan Smith |
Increasing Capacity In Rural Communities: Planning for Alternative Transportation
2008-12-31 |
Lynn Weigand |
Bicycle and Pedestrian Education Program
2008-12-31 |