Sirisha Kothuri |
Exploring Data Fusion Techniques to Estimate Network-Wide Bicycle Volumes
2021-09-30 |
Philip Baiden |
Examining the Impact of Transportation- Related Barriers on Self-Perceived Physical Health among Adults in the United States
2021-08-31 |
John MacArthur |
Evaluation of Portland Shared E-Scooter Pilot Program Goals and Outcomes
2021-08-31 |
Siyang Cao |
Development of Intelligent Multimodal Traffic Monitoring using Radar Sensor at Intersections
2021-08-22 |
Sheida Khademi |
Modeling Capacity: Multiple Weaving Areas
2021-08-20 |
Kristin Tufte |
Connected Streetcar Project
2021-07-31 |
Yao-Jan Wu |
Data-Driven Mobility Strategies for Multimodal Transportation
2021-07-31 |
Juan Medina |
Network Effects of Disruptive Traffic Events
2021-06-30 |
Anne Nordberg |
Optimizing Housing and Service Locations to Provide Mobility to Meet the Mandated Obligations for Former Offenders to Improve Community Health and Safety
2021-06-30 |
Stephen Fickas |
Green Waves, Machine Learning, and Predictive Analytics: Making Streets Better for People on Bikes
2021-05-31 |
Aaron Golub |
Applying an Equity Lens to Automated Payment Solutions for Public Transportation
2021-05-31 |
Joey Iuliano |
Pedal the Old Pueblo: A Naturalistic Study on Bicycling in Tucson, AZ
2021-05-31 |
Abbas Rashidi |
Evaluating Mobility Impacts Of Construction Workzones On Utah Transportation System Using Machine Learning Techniques
2021-05-31 |
Sarah Leat |
Identifying and Measuring Transportation Challenges for Survivors in Intimate Partner Violence Shelters
2021-05-10 |
Shiloh Deitz |
Free Movement: Enhancing Open Data to Facilitate Independent Travel for Persons with Disabilities
2021-03-31 |
Dyana Mason |
The Impact of Ride Hail Services on the Accessibility of Nonprofit Services
2021-01-31 |
Marc Schlossberg |
Rethinking Streets for Physical Distancing
2021-01-31 |
Marc Schlossberg |
Rethinking Streets for Physical Distancing
2021-01-31 |
Marc Schlossberg |
Rethinking Streets for Physical Distancing
2021-01-31 |
Travis Glick |
Methodologies to Quantify Transit Performance Metrics at the System-Level
2020-12-31 |
Xiaoyue Cathy Liu |
Bi-objective Optimization for Battery Electric Bus Deployment Considering Cost and Environmental Equity
2020-12-31 |
John MacArthur |
National Scan of Bike Share Equity Programs
2020-12-31 |
John MacArthur |
National Scan of Bike Share Equity Programs
2020-12-31 |
December Maxwell |
Maternal Mental Health and Keetoowah Women: Past, Present, and Future
2020-12-31 |