The project objective is to develop a curriculum module that will allow high school and middle school students to apply concepts from the Internet of Things (specifically) and Cyber-Physical Systems (generally) to bike transportation. The module will support student teams working on designing, developing and deploying an on-bike computer that has the potential to link into the V2X infrastructure. ...The project objective is to develop a curriculum module that will allow high school and middle school students to apply concepts from the Internet of Things (specifically) and Cyber-Physical Systems (generally) to bike transportation. The module will support student teams working on designing, developing and deploying an on-bike computer that has the potential to link into the V2X infrastructure. The module will provide content on basic computer science skills, including Python programming, simple hardware configuration and communication protocols used in IoT devices. The goal is for a team to place an inexpensive computer on a bike that includes a bike-rider interface. The device can both interact with bike data at a signal as well as with sensors on the bike itself, e.g., range-finders.
Module content will also include the broader context on the role of bike transportation in the move to smart cities and smart transportation. The final product will include course content as well as the outcomes of teams working on the project. All will be available publically on github. It is expected that this information will be enough to allow other cities and schools to support their own smart-bike projects.
Want to learn more about the project? Interested in checking out the tutorial for creating the device? Visit the you tube tutorial: More