The market for electric vehicles (EVs) is changing dramatically in the United States. Federal and state policies have been adopted to promote research and development in EV technology and to increase the number of EVs available in order to support increasing rates of EV ownership. The state of Oregon has one of the highest per-capita EV sales markets in the country. However, much is to be done if ...The market for electric vehicles (EVs) is changing dramatically in the United States. Federal and state policies have been adopted to promote research and development in EV technology and to increase the number of EVs available in order to support increasing rates of EV ownership. The state of Oregon has one of the highest per-capita EV sales markets in the country. However, much is to be done if Oregon is to reach their ambitious goal of complete electrification of the private automobile industry by 2050. The goal of this study is to illuminate some of the current challenges and opportunities EV automakers and policy decision makers are presented with in this rapidly changing market. To do this, the researchers utilize survey results received from individuals who currently own or lease an EV (PHEV or BEV) or other low-carbon vehicle (hybrid vehicle). These groups are first analyzed separately. For each analysis, results are disaggregated by vehicle type and land designation (urban/rural) to illuminate similarities, differences, and trends across populations. Then the results from the two surveys are compared in order to reveal commonalities between EV owners and owners of other low-carbon vehicles. See More