This report is the third in a series of reports examining issues in Oregon related to changes in posted speed limits. In 2004, a comprehensive report, “Impacts and Issues Related to Proposed Changes in Oregon’s Interstate Speed Limits1 ,” was prepared. An update to the most important literature in the report was updated in 2017’s “Update to Issues Report for Interstate Speed Changes2 .” Readers ar...This report is the third in a series of reports examining issues in Oregon related to changes in posted speed limits. In 2004, a comprehensive report, “Impacts and Issues Related to Proposed Changes in Oregon’s Interstate Speed Limits1 ,” was prepared. An update to the most important literature in the report was updated in 2017’s “Update to Issues Report for Interstate Speed Changes2 .” Readers are referred to these reports for a review of the scientific literature related to changing speed limits (focused on interstates). This report is the summary of a preliminary analysis of the speed and crash performance changes for Oregon highways and interstates where speed limits were increased by the Oregon legislature effective March 1, 2016. This action raised speed maximum speed limits for cars and trucks on approximately 1,400 miles of highways and interstates in Eastern Oregon. Posted speed limits were increased to 70 mph (cars) and 65 mph (trucks) and 65 mph (cars) and 55 mph (trucks). See More