As OTREC consortium members prepare to enhance transportation-related professional development programs, both through new course offering sand enhancing existing courses, there is a clear need to develop a basic understanding of the needs of the professionals' community and types of courses that should be offered in Oregon. This proposed technology transfer activity will develop an online survey t...As OTREC consortium members prepare to enhance transportation-related professional development programs, both through new course offering sand enhancing existing courses, there is a clear need to develop a basic understanding of the needs of the professionals' community and types of courses that should be offered in Oregon. This proposed technology transfer activity will develop an online survey to ascertain professionals multidisciplinary needs and training desires. In addition to surveying individuals, key managers at relevant public agencies and representatives from the League of Oregon Cities and Association of Oregon Counties will be contacted for their direct input. The results of this activity will be a prioritized list of training needs, a coordinated plan to deliver courses at consortium campuses, and a marketing strategy. Each campus can use the plan to help guide their professional development activities.See More