Increasing freight volumes are adding pressure to the Oregon transportation system. Monitoring the performance of the transportation system and freight movements is essential to guarantee the economic development of the region, the efficient allocation of resources, and the quality of life of all Oregonians. Freight data is expensive to collect and maintain. Confidentiality issues, the size of the...Increasing freight volumes are adding pressure to the Oregon transportation system. Monitoring the performance of the transportation system and freight movements is essential to guarantee the economic development of the region, the efficient allocation of resources, and the quality of life of all Oregonians. Freight data is expensive to collect and maintain. Confidentiality issues, the size of the datasets, and the complexity of freight movements are barriers that preclude the easy access and analysis of freight data. Data accessibility and integration is essential to ensure successful freight planning and consistency across regional partner agencies and planning organizations. In relation to Internet-based mapping technology in freight data collection and planning, the main objectives of this project are: (a) address implementation issues associated with data integration, (b) present a system architecture to leverage existing publically-available interfaces and web applications to accelerate product development and reduce costs, (c) describe an existing web-based mapping prototype and its capabilities, (d) state lessons learned and present suggestions to streamline the integration and visualization of freight data, and (e) discuss load-time and display quality issues associated with the visualization of transportation data on internet-based mapping applications. The strategies and methodologies described in this report are equally applicable to the display of areas such as states or counties as well as linear data such linear data such as highways, waterways, and railways. Despite data integration challenges, Internet-based mapping provides a cost effective and appealing tool to store, access, and communicate freight data as well as enhance our understanding of freight issues. Institutional barriers, not technology, are the most demanding hurdles to widely implementing a freight data web-based mapping application in the near future.See More