Dependence on fossil fuels, climate change, and degraded air quality are forcing the auto industry and consumers to seek alternative solutions to the current transportation system. Significant technical breakthroughs are allowing automakers to develop electric vehicles (EVs) that transcend some of the key barriers that limited them historically. Plug in electric vehicles entered the Oregon marketp...Dependence on fossil fuels, climate change, and degraded air quality are forcing the auto industry and consumers to seek alternative solutions to the current transportation system. Significant technical breakthroughs are allowing automakers to develop electric vehicles (EVs) that transcend some of the key barriers that limited them historically. Plug in electric vehicles entered the Oregon marketplace in early 2011. A range of reports suggest the demand for EVs will grow rapidly once affordable highway speed vehicles become available. ODOT identified the lack of a reliable network of electric vehicle service equipment (e.g., charging stations) that increases the range of these vehicles as the biggest barrier to widespread adoption of EV technology. The demand for charging stations is expected to grow quickly as ODOT forecasts that EVs may account up to 20% of the new vehicles sold on Oregon within a decade. This project included the following elements: (1) a literature review on EV technology and development strategies; (2) a local demand assessment; (3) assessment of power load implications for local utilities based on local demand and different charging station scenarios; (4) charging station siting implications, including required infrastructure; (5) potential locations for charging infrastructure in Eugene-Springfield metro area; (6) development of materials and outreach strategies to raise public awareness of EVs; and (7) product designs for EV charging stations. This project directly supports OTREC’s objectives for educational proposals. CPW’s transportation focused service learning class in collaboration with Design Bridge (1) increased the transportation element of an existing class, and (2) provided opportunities for students to integrate transportation into architectural design, thereby promoting learning across disciplines in the transportation field.See More