Martin Swobodzinski
Associate Professor
Department of Geography
Portland State University
Dr. Martin Swobodzinski is an associate professor of geography specializing in spatial cognition and geographic information science at Portland State University.
Downloadable Products
- OpenStreetMap Accessibility Mapathon ( PRESENTATION )
- Pedestrian Wayfinding Under Consideration of Visual Impairment, Blindness, and Deafblindness: A Mixed-Method Investigation Into Individual Experiences and Supporting Elements ( FINAL_REPORT )
- Navigating Urban Spaces: Indoor & Outdoor Wayfinding Technology for Vision-Impaired People ( PROJECT_BRIEF )
- A Comprehensive Examination of Electronic Wayfinding Technology for Visually Impaired Travelers in an Urban Environment ( FINAL_REPORT )
- Electronic Wayfinding for Visually Impaired Travelers: Limitations and Opportunities ( PROJECT_BRIEF )