Portland State University (PSU) is a member of PacTrans, the Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium. Pactrans, the Regional University Transportation Center (UTC) for Federal Region 10, is a consortium of transportation professionals and educators from six colleges and universities located around the Pacific Northwest. In addition to PSU, other university partners are Northwest Indian College (NWIC), Portland State University (PSU), the University of Alaska, Anchorage (UAA), University of Idaho (UI), University of Washington (UW), and Washington State University (WSU).

Learn more - visit the PacTrans website.

Data-driven policy and strategy are critical to meeting transportation goals. To that end, we’ve focused our research efforts on filling gaps in data and education. In addition to hosting a quarterly transportation data webinar series, we house two national data clearinghouses – PORTAL and BikePed Portal – aimed at making transportation data more easily accessible to researchers and practitioners.


PORTAL provides a centralized, electronic database that facilitates the collection, archiving, and sharing of transportation data and information for public agencies. The data stored in PORTAL includes 20-second granularity loop detector data from freeways in the Portland-Vancouver metropolitan region, arterial signal data, travel time data, weather data, incident data, VAS/VMS message data, truck volumes, transit data, and arterial signal data.

BikePed Portal

BikePed Portal, a national non-motorized count data archive, provides a centralized standard count database for public agencies, researchers, educators, and other curious members of the public to view and download bicycle and pedestrian count data. It includes automated and manual counts from across the country, and supports screenline and turning movement counts.

Our annual summer Bikeway Design workshop, offered through the Initiative for Bicycle and Pedestrian Innovation (IBPI), was held last August at Portland State University. Eighteen professionals attended, learning from local active transportation experts on topics including bicycle facility design, traffic engineering techniques that support active travel, and designing for suburban environments. Check out some photos from this year's workshop.

Friday Transportation Seminars at Portland State University have been a tradition since 2000. We've opened up PSU Transportation Seminars to other days of the week, but the format is the same: Feel free to bring your lunch! If you can't join us in person, you can always watch online via Zoom.